Business Model,Privacy & Data Security

Raviva Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Applications is 100% free and ad-free across devices. Naturally, we're often asked how we can afford to offer Application for free, whether we're selling user data, and how we secure data and where we're storing it. We want to answer these questions, To put it simply: • We don't own your data. You do. • We'll never sell your data • We don't read your notes. • We'll never do advertisements.

Business Model
Raviva Infotech Pvt. Ltd. have12+ business and productivity application portfolio. Raviva Infotech Pvt. Ltd. has been a profitable, privately-held company for over 3 years; we've been offering free (and ad-free) productivity apps for more than a 3 years. While some of our products are free, others are paid. Paid products subsidize our free apps. Free apps bring more awareness to our paid apps and brand in general. Our business model is as simple as that. There's no hidden agenda here to sell user data for ads.

Interestingly enough, privacy policies usually have a lot to do with business models. Since Our Apps is powered by the success of our other applications, we're not looking for funding or advertisement revenue. This means we simply have no need to read your notes or sell your data. We are the biggest users of our products. In fact, our entire business runs on our Application. We treat your data the way we treat ours. While Application scans your notes to come up with smart suggestions, we never feed your data to advertisers. Apps gets paid by you, the customer, and no one else.

Data Security
All of your notes are securely stored on Application infrastructure, with multiple data server in the India,UAE, USA, and Asia. Your data is encrypted in transit and at rest. For our Indian friends, if you create your Application User account in, your data doesn't leave India.

If you have questions on any of these points, please contact us:

05th MAy 2019


Mumbai, Maharashtra, INDIA.

Phone: +91 7045 5996 58
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